Under the right financial pressure, any person can face the threat of eviction. Many find themselves facing eviction after:

  • Rent Increase
  • Job Loss
  • Family Emergencies
  • Medical Emergencies

Whatever your financial hardship is, facing eviction is a very real threat. There are some local and state programs that can help residents to obtain emergency cash to avoid eviction. Some loan options may also be the optimal solution when you have found yourself in a tight financial spot. As someone who is struggling financially in the short term or long term, you should consider all of your options available.

What Programs Can I Rely on for Emergency Cash to Avoid Eviction?

If you are currently facing eviction due to financial hardship, there are government, local, and state programs that may be able to assist you. These programs have strict eligibility requirements to focus on families in dire need. Typically, these programs will only be available to you if you are already receiving some form of government assistance from another low-income program.

State, Local, and Non-Profit Programs that Provide Emergency Cash

  1. SNAP or TANF Benefits: If you are a part of a low-income family, you need to utilize all of your resources available. SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, can help provide financial assistance for groceries. TANF, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, can provide cash assistance per child, and help pregnant women financially. While these programs cannot pay your rent, they can provide financial help to assist you in allocating your available funds towards bills instead of groceries.
  2. Housing Choice Vouchers: Previously known as the Section 8 program, this is a federal program designed to help low-income households afford a home, shelter, or residence. Your local Public Housing Agency can help connect you and your family to a home when you are facing financial adversity. While this program cannot provide you emergency cash to avoid eviction, it can help you secure a home if eviction is inevitable.
  3. Community Action Agencies: These are local non-profit organizations that can help families in poverty with financial help. Often, these programs may be able to help with housing costs, utility bills, or transportation costs. Community Action Agencies can be found all over the United States and are funded federally from grants.
  4. The 211 Program: This non-profit program can help connect low-income individuals and families to aid programs nearby. These programs can help with food, housing aid, shelter assistance, and employment services. To access this program, you would simply need to call 2-1-1 to get connected to a representative. The availability of this program will often depend on your location and income.
  5. AREN Program: TheAdditional Requirements for Emergent Needs program can also provide some cash assistance. This is for recipients of SNAP and TANF benefits. Eligibility is normally dependent on individual or household income. If you are experiencing financial hardship and you need emergency cash to avoid eviction, this may be the right program to apply for.

What are the Eligibility Requirements of Those Programs to Get Emergency Cash?

If you are searching for emergency cash to avoid eviction, some government programs may be able to assist you financially if you are qualified. While these programs do offer benefits and financial assistance, the eligibility requirements and time constraints may affect you.

Some states will offer emergency cash to families that are already eligible for State Family Assistance, or SNAP/TNAF benefits. To qualify for those programs, you must be considered low-income or poverty level. This usually equates to around a salary of $28,200 a year if you are a family of three. The poverty level eligibility requirements will change based upon your family size and income. It is higher for bigger families and lower for smaller families.

If your income does qualify for these programs, it may still take time to get approved. Unfortunately, the system can be slow for those in financial need. If you are facing an immediate emergency, relying on these program applications may not be the right solution.

What Other Resources Can I Use to Get Emergency Cash to Avoid Eviction?

When you are searching for emergency cash to avoid eviction, time is of the essence. You may not have time to wait for government or local resource programs to help you. In the case of immediate financial hardship, an emergency cash loan may be your best course of action.

As an individual suffering financially, your credit may have taken a hit and you may not be eligible for many types of traditional loans. Fortunately, there are loan options that do not require a borrower to have perfect credit.

Some of the emergency cash loan options available to you include:

  1. Payday Loans
  2. Cash Advances from a Credit Card
  3. Title Loans

Not all cash loan options are created equal, however. Payday loans may be able to get you cash the same day, but their interest rates are exorbitantly high and are notorious for keeping borrowers in a cycle of debt. Credit card cash advances can be helpful, but only if you already have a credit line with availability. If you have a paid-off or close to paid-off vehicle, a title loan may be the right loan for your financial situation in the long-term!

How Does a Title Loan Work?

A title loan is a unique type of installment loan that will allow you to turn your car’s title into the emergency cash you need. Title loans are secured through collateral, which is the title to your vehicle. Collateral allows the approval process to become flexible, and borrowers from all different types of credit histories could potentially qualify for a title loan!1

Not only does the use of collateral make the approval process flexible, it also makes it fast. Approved borrowers of a ChoiceCash Title Loan can get their funds in as little as 24 hours!1 The process to apply for a title loan is streamlined to help borrowers in a financial emergency. If you are searching for emergency cash to avoid eviction, a title loan could be your best option.1

To qualify for a title loan, you will need to meet these initial requirements:

  1. Have a Vehicle in Your Name With Equity
  2. Have a Steady Income
  3. Be Over the Age of 18

These requirements are easy and simple! Title loans were created as an alternative way for borrowers from all different financial histories to get cash when they are in a sticky financial spot.1

What are the Other Benefits of Title Loans Besides Emergency Cash?

While title loans may be the quickest way to get cash, they also have other benefits! As a borrower of a ChoiceCash Title Loan, you can expect these advantages besides emergency cash to avoid eviction:1

  • Keep Your Keys: Understandably, you may want to know what happens to your vehicle during the loan repayment process. As long as you make your payments on time and consistently, you’ll be able to keep driving your vehicle like it is business as usual.
  • Payments Start Low and Can Get Lower2: With loan options like ChoiceCash Title Loans, you can get rewarded for being a responsible borrower!2 The more payments you make on-time, the lower your monthly payment could be.2 Loan payments start low and can get lower as you pay off your loan responsibly!2
  • Interest Rates are Often Competitive: Since collateral is used to secure your loan, your risk as a borrower is minimized. This helps keep the interest rates low or competitive! As a borrower, competitive interest rates can change your loan experience for the better. Lower interest rates mean paying less back in the long run.
  • The Approval Process Takes Minutes: You can apply for a title loan online directly from your smartphone or computer! It can take just a few minutes of your time.

Where Can I Apply for a Title Loan Online to Avoid Eviction?

Applying for a loan online does not need to be a hassle! When you need emergency cash, a title loan can be one of the fastest ways to get what you need.

If you work with emergency cash loan options like ChoiceCash Title Loans, the approval process can be easy and hassle free.1

You can apply for a title loan online by:

  1. Submitting a Short Inquiry Form Online: Head over to the website to fill out a few questions about your income and car.
  2. Give a Loan Agent a Call: ChoiceCash Title Loan representatives are available for extended hours seven days a week! If you have any questions about your loan or eligibility, they can be answered fast. Get started on your loan today by calling 855-422-7402.