Online title loans in Lehigh Acres work by allowing applicants to pledge their car title as collateral for funding. Title lenders will place a lien on the vehicle title after the loan is complete and remove it after the loan is completely paid off. Americans take 1.1 billion trips every day. There are over 16,144,302 drivers in the state of Florida. One of the biggest advantages of a ChoiceCash title loan in Florida is that eligible borrowers can keep driving their vehicles during the repayment process without an issue! You can conveniently begin a ChoiceCash title loan application online or over the phone in Lehigh Acres! There is no store visit required, and qualified borrowers could be approved for their money within the same business day as inquiring.1
You can upload all of the necessary paperwork online, or text your documents directly to a title loan agent! That’s how simple online title loans can be – you don’t need to leave your home to apply for the cash you need.1
Start your application for a ChoiceCash title loan in Lehigh Acres by filling out the pre-approval form or calling 855-422-7402 to speak with a title loan agent.1
The application process for a car title loan in Florida can be hassle-free if you meet the initial requirements and submit the correct paperwork.1
To qualify for a ChoiceCash title loan in Lehigh Acres you must meet the following initial requirements:1
- Be an Adult at Least 18 Years of Age
- Have a Title to a Qualifying Vehicle in Your Name
- Be Able to Demonstrate Proof of Your Ability to Repay the Loan
If your vehicle is not completely paid off yet, you may need to complete a payoff authorization form so that your new title loan lender can pay off your existing lender. Additionally, in Florida, you may need to complete a Florida power of attorney form (“Power of Attorney for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel”) and an application for Notice of Lien / Reassignment of Lien or Notice to First Lienholder.
In addition to meeting the initial requirements, you must submit the required documents after your title loan application in Lehigh Acres is approved1. This paperwork is used by title lenders to verify your information.
To get approved for a title loan in Lehigh Acres or surrounding cities like Cape Coral and St Petersburg, you’ll need to provide some documents for verification. While specific requirements may vary by state, here’s a general list:1
Contact a ChoiceCash title loan agent by calling 855-422-7402 if you have questions about the application process for an online title loan!1 Agents are standing by 6 days a week for extended hours to take your call.
You will need to meet the initial requirements and provide the required documents to get a title loan in Florida. Additionally, you will need to have a car with positive equity. In most cases, newer models will qualify for higher loan amounts. But, you can still qualify for a car title loan with an older car.1 The most common car that is used to apply for a ChoiceCash title loan in Florida is the Nissan Altima.
You don’t need a perfect credit score to apply for a title loan in Lehigh Acres!1 Your credit history is still a factor that is considered during your title loan application, but it is not the focus. Title lenders are primarily interested in these two factors when determining your eligibility for a title loan:1
- Your Ability to Repay the Loan
- The Equity of Your Car
Vehicle equity refers to the difference between the car’s market value and the amount that is owed on it. In order to qualify for a title loan and pledge your car title as collateral, your vehicle must have positive equity. Your car has positive equity if it is worth more than what you owe on it.
You can use ChoiceCash’s online calculator tool to learn more about the value of your car and obtain a loan quote, free of obligation!1
The application process for a title loan in Lehigh Acres can be quick and hassle-free! As long as you meet the initial requirements and submit the correct paperwork, you could receive your funds in as little as 24 hours. Below is the three-step inquiry process for a ChoiceCash title loan in Lehigh Acres:1
- Click or Call
You can conveniently begin your application for a title loan in Lehigh Acres by filling out the pre-approval form or calling 855-422-7402. No store visit is required to apply for a title loan! So if you’ve been searching for a way to access quick funding, a title loan could be the answer.1
- Submit the Necessary Documents
During the second step of the title loan application, a title loan agent will ask you to submit the necessary documents. You can conveniently upload this paperwork online. Or, just send the paperwork via email / text message.
- Receive Your Quick Funding if You Qualify1
The average title loan amount with ChoiceCash in Florida is $3,807. If you qualify for a ChoiceCash title loan and sign your loan contract, there are a few convenient ways to collect your quick funding. You can choose between:
- Direct Deposit
- Have the Funds Added to Your Debit Card
- Receive a Check in the Mail
- Visit a Participating Money Transfer Location in Lehigh Acres
If you qualify for a ChoiceCash title loan in Florida, you can take advantage of some exclusive benefits:1
Begin the convenient online application for a ChoiceCash title loan today by filling out the pre-approval form or calling 855-422-7402 to speak directly with a title loan agent.1
Pay back your car title loan in Lehigh Acres at any MoneyGram location in Florida. MoneyGram is often located in convenient public stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, or CVS. Call 855-422-7402 to discuss your options with a loan expert, or see the map and location list below to see where your nearest MoneyGram is located:
The addresses shown below display the nearest participating MoneyGram locations in the general vicinity:
Florida Title Loan Cities
Title Loans in Lehigh Acres, Florida
There are about 116,889 total people living in 33976 Lehigh Acres, Florida. From those 116,889 people, about 50.67% of them are female, which comes out to approximately 59,093 people. In Lehigh Acres about 49.33% of the population is male, which comes out to about 57,796 people.
From the total population of 116,889 people about 68,337 are considered legal adults above the age of 18. From there, about 35,518 of those 68,337 adults are female, which comes out to about 52.5% of the population. For the men, 47.5% are adult males, which is approximately 32,819 people.
Total People Under 5 Years | 9,034 |
Total People 5-9 Years | 9,235 |
Total People 10-14 Years | 9,668 |
Total People 15-19 Years | 8,916 |
Total People 20-24 Years | 7,298 |
Total People 25-34 Years | 16,506 |
Total People 35-44 Years | 15,840 |
Total People 45-54 Years | 14,635 |
Total People 55-59 Years | 6,018 |
Total People 60-64 Years | 5,832 |
Total People 65-75 Years | 8,297 |
Total People 75-84 Years | 4,088 |
Total People 85 Years and Older | 1,522 |
Household Employment Information for Lehigh Acres, Florida
In the entire city of Lehigh Acres, there are approximately 31,354 households. When it comes to unemployment of those 31,354 about 8,564 of them contain residents who are currently out of work. However, 11,781 households contain at ,1 employed individual, 8,758 house 2 employed residents, and there are 2,251 homes with 3 or more residents who are employed.
To learn more about the employment of other types of households in Lehigh Acres, take a look at the information below!
Total Households with 1 Person | 6,029 |
1-Person Households with Unemployed Residents | 3,616 |
1- Person Households with 1 Employed Resident | 2,413 |
Total Households with 2 People | 9,382 |
2-Person Households with Unemployed Residents | 3,442 |
2- Person Households with 1 Employed Resident | 3,402 |
2-Person Households with 2 Employed Residents | 2,538 |
Total Households with 3 People | 5,771 |
3-Person Households with Unemployed Residents | 714 |
3- Person Households with 1 Employed Resident | 2,493 |
3-Person Households with 2 Employed Residents | 1,919 |
3-Person Households with 3+ Employed Residents | 645 |
Total Households with 4 People | 10,172 |
4-Person Households with Unemployed Residents | 792 |
4- Person Households with 1 Employed Resident | 3,473 |
4-Person Households with 2 Employed Residents | 4,301 |
4-Person Households with 3+ Employed Residents | 1,606 |
Living Information in Lehigh Acres, Florida
Throughout the whole city of Lehigh Acres there are approximately 32,872 occupied households where 13,217 of those households are rented by the residents and 19,655 are owned.
Between the years of 2015-2016 about 4,910 households were occupied by newly moved-in residents. Out of those 4,910 households, 2,765 were being rented while 2,145 were owned during that time. Between the years of 2010-2014 approximately 13,981 households were occupied by residents who just moved in. From those 13,981 households, 7,542 were rented and 6,439 were owned. From 2000-2009, residents of Lehigh Acres moved into about 9,485 households, with 7,757 of those households being owned and 1,728 being rented.
Going back before the millennium, between 1990-1999 residents throughout Lehigh Acres began occupying about 1,811 households. During this time, about 1,673 of the households were owned and 138 were rented during this time period. But even before that, during 1989 and earlier, the people of Lehigh Acres moved into approximately 765 households throughout the city. During this time, people who were renting moved into about 55 of the those 765 households, and people who purchased / owned their homes started occupying about 710 households.
Education of People in Lehigh Acres, Florida
Wondering about education information about the people who live in Lehigh Acres, Florida? Check out some of the interesting educational statistics about Lehigh Acres below:
Percent of People Who Have Not Graduated High School | 17.4% |
Percent of People Who Have Graduated High School | 33.1% |
Percent of People Who Started College | 33.38% |
Percent of People Who Finished College | 16.1% |
Percent of Homeowners Who Have Not Graduated High School | 12.57% |
Percent of Homeowners Who Have Graduated High School | 31.9% |
Percent of Homeowners Who Started College | 34.42% |
Percent of Homeowners Who Finished College | 21.12% |
Percent of Renters Who Have Not Graduated High School | 21.47% |
Percent of Renters Who Have Graduated High School | 34.23% |
Percent of Renters Who Started College | 32.73% |
Percent of Renters Who Finished College | 11.57% |
ChoiceCash Title Loans, Serviced by LoanMart in Lehigh Acres
Looking for a way to get the emergency cash you need in Lehigh Acres? Good news! ChoiceCash Title Loans, serviced by LoanMart, services loans throughout the state of Florida. Call 855-422-7402 or visit ChoiceCash Title Loans online to get started today!