Have you been short on cash lately? It seems like, as soon as you get paid, all of your income has to be allocated toward keeping the lights on, a roof over your head, and putting food on the table. You’d love to take your family to the Mardi Gras museum for fun activities, but you don’t have any wiggle room in your budget. Title loans in Bossier City, could be a good fit for some residents who are in need of extra cash.

Title loans are in place to assist qualifying borrowers who are in need of fast financial assistance. Below are a few reasons someone may consider a title loan:

  • Medical Expenses: Whether you have to take your child to the emergency room unexpectantly, or you’re trying to pay for surgery expenses- hospital bills can get pretty expensive. Many title loan borrowers don’t have the extra income to pay for unforeseen expenses. Qualifying for a title loan could potentially help borrowers pay off their medical expenses.
  • School Expenses: Most children are excited to return to school in the fall. They’re excited to see their classmates, and favorite teachers, and look forward to advancing to the next grade level. Although the children are excited, several parents feel pressured to send their kids to school with new outfits, new shoes, and adequate supplies. Qualifying for a title loan could potentially help parents financially prepare for the upcoming school year.
  • Vacations: When was the last time you took your family on a vacation? Children need to be exposed to art and culture to diversify their learning abilities and build cognitive skills. Parents wanting to expand their children’s horizons may consider applying for a title loan.
  • Relocating: Moving your family is one of the hardest decisions to make. You want your kids to be in a better school district. You’re also hoping to move to a safer neighborhood as you prepare your sons for their adolescent years. Moving costs require you to consider the following: making a downpayment on your new place, purchasing furniture, and paying professional movers so your husband won’t throw his back out again. Qualifying for a title loan could potentially help alleviate some of the financial stresses associated with relocating.

Qualifying for a title loan could potentially help borrowers that need immediate financial relief. Now, you may be thinking, “I could potentially qualify for a title loan, but what’s so special about a title loan?” Title loans are secured loans that allow borrowers to leverage their vehicle title in exchange for emergency funding. Title loans are potentially a good option for those with less than stellar credit and those who have past bankruptcies and evictions. If you are looking to apply for title loans in Bossier City, consider loan options like ChoiceCash Title Loans!


Just like with any loan, there are initial requirements potential borrowers must meet to qualify for a car title loan. The initial requirement for a title loan is that the applicant must possess their vehicle’s title, meaning that it must be in their name, or they must have a vehicle that is close to being paid off. Legally, the state of Louisiana recognizes the titleholder as the true vehicle owner. In other words: you cannot leverage what you do not legally own. Double-check your documents to ensure your name is present as the current titleholder. There are some instances where your name may not be listed as the true owner. For example: did you purchase your car from an individual instead of a car dealer? It’s common for the transfer of title to get lost in the paperwork when purchasing a car from an individual. Another reason your name may not be listed as the titleholder is if you inherited your vehicle. Did your uncle pass down his Chevy Impala to you a few years ago? Remember: when receiving a vehicle from a family member, it’s still important to make sure you are listed as the owner of the vehicle. If you need a title transfer form, head down to your local OMV to get the title transferred to your name.

In addition to being the titleholder of your vehicle, there are a few more initial requirements borrowers must meet. Borrowers must be 18 years of age or older to apply for a loan, as it can be a huge financial decision to make. Potential borrowers who are only a few weeks shy of their 18th birthday will still need to wait until they are 18 before applying for a title loan.

Borrowers must also show proof that they are capable of repaying the loan. Check your bank account- Do you have a consistent form of income? Your income can be proven with a paystub, bank statement, disability check, worker’s compensation, child support, etc. The great news about applying for a title loan is that you are not required to have a 9 to 5 job. Many lenders understand that people are leaving Corporate America to follow their dreams by becoming entrepreneurs and freelance workers. So, if you do not have a traditional pay stub to show proof of income, feel free to use alternative forms of income instead. If you have questions about the types of income that are accepted as proof, contact a ChoiceCash Title Loan agent at 855-422-7402 today!


Before qualifying for a title loan in Bossier City, borrowers may wonder what the advantages of choosing ChoiceCash Title Loans can be. Below are a few benefits of choosing ChoiceCash Title Loans for funding:

  • Keep Driving: For most people, their car is their bread and butter. It’s how borrowers commute to work, transport their children, and put food on the table for their families. So, you don’t have to hand over your keys when qualifying for a title loan.1 Just make sure that you make your payments on time each month.
  • Simple Application Process1: After applying for a title loan, do you find yourself exhausted after sending in what seems like a mountain load of documentation? With ChoiceCash Title Loans, you can access a three-step application process that most borrowers find simple and easy to navigate.1
  • Quick Funding1: A financial emergency requires urgent financial relief. It won’t wait for the weekend! Some qualifying borrowers could potentially receive their funds within 24 hours.1
  • Outstanding Customer Support: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like elevator music? The average person doesn’t like elevator music at all. You don’t want to spend your time listening to elevator music if you have a financial emergency that needs to be solved. If you have questions about receiving a title loan, you will want to speak with someone as soon as possible. With loan options like ChoiceCash Title Loans, customer service agents are in place to assist you. Please reach out and speak to one at 855-422-7402.


When applying for a title loan, borrowers are expected to prove that they can afford a loan payment each month.1 You will need to provide documents that showcase this requirement. Although borrowers are not required to have a traditional 9 to 5, borrowers are still encouraged to assess their income and expenses accurately. Is there extra room in your budget for you to pay off the title loan? Borrowers typically begin paying back the title loan 30 days after the funds are dispersed.1 When paying back the loan, you will be responsible for the loan amount, as well as the interest on the loan.1

  • Title Loan Principal Amount: This is the initial amount of money a borrower is approved for when taking out a title loan.
  • Interest Rate: An interest rate is the amount of money it costs to borrow money in the first place. The interest rate is typically a percentage of the loan amount.

Analyze your income and determine if it’s enough to cover your monthly loan payments. It’s best to have a repayment method in place beforehand. For example, it’s understood that rent and mortgage payments are people’s largest expenses. Most people pay their living expenses with their paycheck at the beginning of the month. If you qualify for a title loan, it may be a good idea to use your paycheck from the middle of the month (possibly around the 15h) to allocate to your loan repayment. Borrowers who financially prepare ahead of time typically have smoother experiences with their repayment plan.


You’re so close to the finish line. Only a few more payments and your car will be paid off. You may be wondering, “Can I still qualify for a title loan in Bossier City, Louisiana, if my car is not paid off?” The good news: as long as your vehicle has enough positive equity, you could potentially qualify for a title loan.1

  • Positive equity: Positive equity is when your vehicle is worth more than the amount you still owe on it.
  • Negative equity: Negative equity is when you owe more on your vehicle than what it is currently worth. This often happens with vehicles that quickly depreciate in value.

Through a title loan, qualified borrowers will receive a percentage of their car’s equity.1 This is why the amount of equity you have in your vehicle is extremely important in the approval process. The market value of your vehicle, along with the amount you still owe on it (if at all) are factors that contribute to the car’s available equity. The market value of a car is the amount of money a consumer is likely to pay a borrower for your exact make and model. Below are some factors that influence the market value of your vehicle.

  • Make and Model: Popular vehicles such as the Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Ford F-series, and Chevy Impala tend to be in high demand every year. Having a popular vehicle could potentially raise the market value of your car.
  • Vehicle Alterterations: Your initials embroidered into your leather seats may empress your social circle, but to the vast majority, an alteration like that is not ideal. Your vehicle’s market value is primarily determined by how the consumer market would view it. Just think, would you want to purchase a used car with someone else’s initials embroidered into the seats?
  • Vehicle Mileage: Even in the used car circuit, consumers want to purchase a vehicle with minimal mileage. Lower mileage implies less maintenance in the future. So, if you’re planning to use your vehicle for your family’s road trip this summer, you may want to consider getting a rental car instead this year.
  • Year of Vehicle: “The moment you drive your car off the lot, it loses its value.” This saying has been drilled into your head since before you were able to drive. The saying is true. There are newer vehicles with better sound systems, improved functionality, and an overall sleeker look that come into the market every year. As the years go on, your car is likely to depreciate in value. If you intend to qualify for a title loan, it would be in your best interest to do it while your car still holds a desirable market value. However, older vehicles can still have enough equity to qualify for a car title loan.1

You could potentially qualify for a title loan even if your car is not yet paid off.1 As long as your vehicle has enough positive equity, you could potentially be a contender for a title loan in Bossier City!1


So, you’ve determined that a title loan in Bossier City could potentially be a good fit for you. You’re so eager to start the application process and see if you can qualify for cash. But, you’re just wondering where to begin. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through the application process.

  • Step one- Inquire about the Title Loan: Visit ChoiceCash Title Loans online, or call in at 855-422-7402 to speak with an agent. If you are inquiring online, simply click “apply,” and fill out the prequalification form to get started. If you choose to call in, a loan agent will ask you a few basic questions to verify your identity and potential eligibility.1
  • Step Two- Send in Your Paperwork: If you meet the basic requirements and prequalify, you’ll be asked if you want to begin the official title loan process.1 This is when you’ll submit your paperwork. Don’t worry; you don’t have to visit a physical location to send your items in. This can be done online via email or fax. The paperwork you need to send is the following: proof of income, a valid, government-issued photo ID, vehicle title, photos of the vehicle, and proof of address.
  • Step Three: Receive the Cash1: Once you submit the desired documents, a loan agent will verify all of your information. If you meet the qualifications, you can choose your preferred method of payment: direct deposit, overnighted check, etc.


Pay back your car title loan in Bossier City at any MoneyGram location in Louisiana

. MoneyGram is often located in convenient public stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, or CVS. Call 855-422-7402 to discuss your options with a loan expert, or see the map and location list below to see where your nearest MoneyGram is located:

The addresses shown below display the nearest participating MoneyGram locations in the general vicinity: